VE/VJ Day 80

VE/VJ Day 80

In 2025, we will mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day and VJ Day, two significant events that ended the Second World War World. These days are important reminders of the sacrifices made by millions of people around the world to bring peace and freedom to future generations.

VE Day, which stands for Victory in Europe Day, was celebrated on May 8, 1945.It marked the end of the war in Europe, as Nazi Germany surrendered to the Allied forces.This was a momentous occasion that brought joy and relief to countless people who had endured years of conflict and suffering.

VJ Day, or Victory over Japan Day, took place on August 15, 1945, when Japan surrendered to the Allies, effectively ending World War II.The war had taken a heavy toll on both soldiers and civilians, and the news of Japan’s surrender brought hope for a brighter future.

As we commemorate these anniversaries, it is essential to remember the bravery and resilience of those who fought and sacrificed for our freedom.The courage of the Allied forces, the heroism of individual soldiers, and the sacrifices of civilians all played a vital role in bringing an end to the deadliest conflict in history.

On the 80th anniversary of VE Day and VJ Day, let us come together to pay tribute to the heroes of the past and to renew our commitment to peace, freedom, and unity.May their legacy inspire us to work towards a better future for all.

Get involved

Ringing Out in Celebration of Peace

On behalf of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, I am honoured and
proud to be part of this campaign. Bellringing marks our major life events,
and each year I join many of my fellow bellringers in tolling for remembrance. It is fitting that we also ring out for peace.

I encourage bellringers all over the world to join me on the 80th anniversary of VE Day, on 8th May 2025, by ringing their bells at 6.30pm local time, when
we can make a joyful noise together.

Tina Stoecklin
President of the Central Council
of Church Bell Ringers

Beacon/Lamplight of Peace

On Thursday 8th May 2025 we are promoting the illumination of Beacons and Lamp Lights of Peace at 9.30pm, the hoisting of a distinctive VE Day flag at 9am and, where feasible, hosting festivities of celebration all day in the streets, gardens at home, churches, villages, town halls, pubs, clubs, hotels and various types of venues across the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories.

Street and Home Garden Party

Even though Thursday 8th May 2025 is not a public holiday, we encourage those with country parks and streets that can be closed, along with those that have gardens to hold street and garden parties decked in flags and bunting, dressing up infancy dress or uniform, along with those communities that have town, village and community halls etc, to organise VE Day 80 parties within them, decorating them in a similar fun way.

We also encourage care homes and children’s homes, hospitals, schools, pubs, hotels and restaurants etc, to undertake similar events throughout the day in celebration of this important Anniversary. This would be a great, and simple way for schools to take part, especially at lunch-time.

Fish and Chips

Due to the fact that Fish and Chips - the UK's favourite dish, was not rationed by Prime Minister Churchill during the whole of WWII, we also want to use this occasion to continue paying tribute to the brave fishermen who fished the seas and the farmers and land girls who toiled in the fields, by encouraging the eating of Fish and Chips throughout the day, as part of
these VE Day 80 celebrations on 8th May 2025.

VJ Day Commemoration Service

The 80th anniversary of Victory over Japan Day (VJ Day) will be on the 15th August 2025. This day will be a significant occasion to honour the service and sacrifice of those who fought in the Far East and brought an end to the Second World War.

A commemoration service will be held at Norwich Cathedral on the 15th August 2025. The service will be organised by Revd Pauline Simpson and will include the FEPOW Associations, General Lord Dannatt, and the Duke of Gloucester.

VE/VJ Day 80 Collection

Our collection features a variety of items that pay tribute to the brave men and women who fought for freedom and peace during this tumultuous time in history.

From t-shirts and hoodies to badges and mugs, our VE/VJ Day 80 collection offers a great way to remember and honour those who sacrificed so much for the greater good.

VE/VJ80 Collection
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